2022 – Reports | SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Relationships to Support the Goals
17.2.1 Involvement in, or input into, national government or regional non-government organizations SDG policy development
Isabela State University has direct involvement in various government and non-government organizations for the advancement towards the UN SDGs including the Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development (CVAARRD)- a conglomerate of national government and private agencies and academic institutions that strive to promote science and technology applications for agriculture, aquatic, forestry and natural resources (AANR) sectors. The consortium is composed of 20 member institutions with Isabela State University as the Host Agency and Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino, the University President of ISU, as the Regional Innovation Development Council Chair. These programs and centers include the Business Intelligence and Research and Development Center (BIRD-C), Smarter Santiago City E-Vehicle and Smart Mobility Project, Sustainable Development Center, Cagayan Valley Program on Environment and Development, and the two centers that are engaged in water resources – the Smart Water Infrastructure and Management (SWIM) and the Water Research and Development Center (WRDC).
SDG 14 and 15: ISU through CVAARRD is involved in SDG policy development
The Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development (CVAARRD) Consortium, an ISU partner, strives to promote science and technology applications for agriculture, aquatic, forestry and natural resources (AANR) sectors and provide a venue for joint planning, monitoring, evaluation, and sharing of resources through collaborative interventions among its member institutions through the implementation of R&D management and coordination, strategic R&D, R&D results utilization, capability building and governance, and policy analysis and advocacy.
Link: https://pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph/index.php/cvaarrd
SDG 6: SWIM Center leads in writing policies for water resource management in Region 2
One of the aims of the Smart Water Infrastructure and Management (SWIM) R&D Center established by ISU is to develop a science-based comprehensive water resources assessment and implementation framework for the design of projects, planning, policy/decision-making, and intervention on a basin scale. The center collaborates with the Philippine government and neighboring universities in drafting a roadmap and writing policies to address gaps and issues in water resources management in the Cagayan Valley Region.
SDG 14: A Science Advisory Group member of the Fisheries Management Area 1
The University is a member of the Science Advisory Group (SAG) of the Fishery Management Area 1 (FMA 1) management body of the Philippines. This management body establishes policies and recommendations for appropriate management of aquatic resources in FMA 1 consisting of Regions 2, 3, 4A, and 5. The SAG is composed of scientists and researchers involved in the national stock assessment, representatives and members from academic institutions, local government units, non-governmental organizations, and technical and fisherfolk representatives from the aquaculture commercial and municipal fishing sectors. The SAG’s main responsibility is to give the management board technical guidance supported by the best available information, such as but not limited to the findings of the National Stock Assessment (NSAP).
- https://www.facebook.com/bfarrehiyondos/posts/pfbid032dUewHgp6hQAQtxeh2iL6xt2ZhW2DQLmPa3WpFqAyBF8AdiX6f3EQKQQixpiB4Gml
- https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Rwivx12iWxqHJfKtPY1gRjBJ5iWxvtuWFsKU1YQLxEPmu7rqDftcz8ZnMS8oXCv4l&id=101684199052284
17.2.2 Initiative and participation in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs
The University has established partnerships and joint events in cross-sectoral dialogues and these were signified through Ceremonial Signing and Launching Programs, Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement signing ceremonies, and other events for cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs. Through collaboration with local, national, and international organizations (particularly in the ASEAN region) on various R&D projects, Isabela State University has long been involved in the development of scientific information on water management and climate change with the purpose of empowering communities.
- https://isu.edu.ph/isu-welcomes-kyoto-partners-for-cagayan-river-basin-research-dialogue/
- https://isu.edu.ph/more-partnerships-drawn-for-isus-smart-water-center/
17.2.3 Participation in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs
The University seeks partnerships and collaborative endeavors with organizations and institutions to maximize the use of resources while also working toward achieving the higher education sector’s goals and objectives under the UN SDGs for global competitiveness. ISU has formed a partnership with the National Academy of Sciences for Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) which was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The SWIM Center of the University has established partnerships with international organizations such as the Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, NTOU, Taiwan.
SDG 6: ISU participated in gathering data to address SDG 6 through the FSMART 2022 International Conference
ISU travels to an international plenary session as a representative from the Philippines for the FSMART 2022 Conference as it sets off on a week-long foreign trip to secure partnership agreements between peer institutions. With the cooperation between ISU, Thuyloi University, and Da Nang University of Science and Technology established as a result of the event, ISU is now able to increase its efforts within the APN framework to address SDG 6.5, which focuses on water security and sustainable water resource management. FSMART would be investigating the effects of climate change and human interventions on reservoir sedimentation, flood inundation, agricultural practices, and river and coastal regions.
- https://isu.edu.ph/bridging-international-efforts-for-integrated-water-resources-management-isu-on-fsmart-2022-international-conference/
- https://isu.edu.ph/isu-on-mainstreaming-global-water-research-for-sustainable-development/
SDG 8: ISU through BIRDC has an ongoing government-funded project to gather data on the location of digital businesses
The iCITY project aims to generate a data-driven business locator for Local Government Units (LGU) and prospective investors to determine and locate the appropriate business in a city or municipality. This project promotes synergy among the academe, industry, government agencies, and other agencies in transforming the Cagayan Valley Region into Smarter Cities and Municipalities.
Link: https://isu.edu.ph/DOST-R2-and-BIRDC-Fo/
17.2.4 International collaboration and research, review comparative approaches and develop international best practices on tackling the SDGs
The support for internationalization efforts ranks high on the list of the University’s top management. So far, ISU has forged numerous Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) among foreign partners. In keeping with the internationalization of programs as part of globalization, ISU continuously pursues collaborative linkages with universities of international caliber and forge academic exchange, research collaboration, and more.
SDG 6: ISU partners with universities in Japan and Vietnam for research collaboration and sharing of approaches in water resource management
For the Special Meeting of the Technical Working Group of the Cagayan River, Isabela State University welcomes partners from Kyoto University, Japan. This is a component of an ongoing research project on water management between the two schools with the goal of introducing innovation in river basin management for disaster resilience and water hazard mitigation.
The National Irrigation Administration, Cagayan River Basin Management Council, Department of Science and Technology, Japan Water Agency, and Quirino State University are among the line agencies participating in the two-day event who have formed a collaboration to do water research.
Link: https://isu.edu.ph/isu-welcomes-kyoto-partners-for-cagayan-river-basin-research-dialogue/
SDG 6: ISU traversing international borders to advance water conservation
ISU and its water research partners maintain their academic endeavors to advance scientific responses to our present water concerns. A new training session that combines efforts from the IFWARM Project and the SWIM R&D Center of ISU is planned to boost the technological and computer proficiency of the participating researchers.
Link: https://isu.edu.ph/traversing-international-borders-isu-csu-ku-vgu-collab-for-training-workshop/
17.2.5 Collaboration with NGOs to tackle the SDGs through: student volunteering program, research program, and development of educational resources
ISU collaborated with NGOs such as the Fisheries Management Area 1 (FMA 1) Management Board for policy formulation in the conservation of aquatic resources in FMA 1 and the Mabuwaya Foundation for the development of educational resources.
SDG 14: ISU is involved in the FMA 1 management board for curation of policies on fisheries management
The Science Advisory Group is made up of scientists and researchers involved in the national stock assessment, representatives from academic institutions, local government units, non-governmental organizations, technical and fisherfolk representatives from the aquaculture commercial and municipal fishing sectors, as well as members from academic institutions. It has the main responsibility which is to give the management board technical guidance supported by the best available information, such as but not limited to the findings of the National Stock Assessment (NSAP).
- https://www.facebook.com/bfarrehiyondos/posts/pfbid032dUewHgp6hQAQtxeh2iL6xt2ZhW2DQLmPa3WpFqAyBF8AdiX6f3EQKQQixpiB4Gml
- https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Rwivx12iWxqHJfKtPY1gRjBJ5iWxvtuWFsKU1YQLxEPmu7rqDftcz8ZnMS8oXCv4l&id=101684199052284
SDG 14 and 15: ISU in collaboration with the Mabuwaya Foundation leads the Philippine Crocodile Conservation Center
This exists as an offshoot of a Tripartite Memorandum of Agreement of the Local Government Unit of San Mariano, the Mabuwaya, Inc., and the Isabela State University, with the support of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department of Tourism (DOT).
Link: https://isu.edu.ph/croc-conservation-opens-in-northern-luzon/
Publication of SDG Reports
Link: https://sdg.isu.edu.ph/report/
ISU strives to contribute meaningfully to the attainment of the SDGs contextualized within the strengths of its scope of operations and the immediate needs of its service areas. With the mandates and vision in place, ISU looks to the SDGs as a strategic path in harmonizing its efforts in bringing development opportunities at all levels. Such measures allowed ISU to delve deeper into its institutional capacity and be able to produce outcomes aligned with the concept of sustainable development.
Education for the SDGs
17.4.1 Commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university, that is relevant and applicable to all students
ISU fully embraced the Flexible Learning policy of CHED for 2021 as part of its effort to secure academic continuity and provide innovations in the delivery of instruction. Also, the enhancement of courses, particularly Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Entrepreneurial Management, and Creative and Critical Thinking, has been institutionalized in all academic programs of the University.
SDG 1, 5, 16, and 17: ISU partners with the Philippine Army to mainstream gender-based initiatives
The University commits to providing academic resources and technical support services in the field of gender and development to curb violence against women and children in Cagayan Valley. ISU has recently been identified to lead the region in GAD initiatives as the Regional Development Council through Resolution no. 02-11 s. 2022 approves the creation of the Regional Gender and Development Research and Learning Center to be housed at ISU-Echague Main Campus.
Link: https://isu.edu.ph/isu-partners-with-army-to-mainstream-gender-initiatives/
SDG 4: ISU led an international congress toward addressing changes in the higher education landscape
Academic institutions are anticipating the future of education to adapt to the changes in the learning environment now that the new normal has spawned new approaches to 21st-century learning. The University and other foreign academic institutions came to grips with this issue during the first Foreign Education Congress, which was organized by Isabela State University.
SDG 4 and 16: ISU has existing cross-border collaboration with academic institutions locally and internationally toward student mobility and faculty exchange
ISU collaborates with international universities for student mobility and faculty exchange and was accredited to offer 19 undergraduate programs and 8 graduate school programs by the Bureau of Immigration.
- https://isu.edu.ph/isu-ties-with-canada-based-higher-ed-strengthen-cross-border-linkage-globalization-efforts/
- https://isu.edu.ph/isu-ties-with-canada-based-higher-ed-strengthen-cross-border-linkage-globalization-efforts/
- https://isu.edu.ph/isu-gets-approval-to-accept-foreign-students/
- https://www.facebook.com/isabelastateuniversity/photos/a.669477706879708/1240929223067884/
17.4.2 Dedicated courses (full degrees, or electives) that address sustainability and the SDGs
The University has offered full degrees and has dedicated professional and institutional courses for SDG in the curriculum of all degree programs. The evidence shows study outlines that address sustainability and the SDGs.
Degree programs (Link: https://isu.edu.ph/course-offerings/):
- SDG 4, 11 and 13: Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management – Climate Change
- SDG 4, 11, and 13: Master of Science in Environmental Science
- SDG 4 and 14: Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
- SDG 4 and 15: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Institutional Courses:
- SDG 4, 11, and 13: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
- SDG 1, 4, and 8: Entrepreneurship
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EHJQ3mGf8xIxmv_UuvGK5XjHP-I_e7Nb/view
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yeXeLBFZpjXghh6UUmSET-Ssn44Z2jCK/view?usp=sharing
17.4.3 Dedicated outreach educational activities for the wider community, which could include alumni, local residents, displaced people
The University has institutionalized the conduct of outreach educational activities to address the various concerns of its stakeholders through the establishment of R&D centers in partnership with government and non-government organizations, both local and international. ISU launched extension activities through the Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI) and the SWIM center.
SDG 1 and 2: A member of a project addressing poverty and hunger and achieving development in rural barangays
The Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI) is a comprehensive strategy integrating nutrition into development, placing a strong emphasis on the essentiality of improved nutrition into efforts to achieve rural development. With the University of the Philippines-Los Baños as program leader, the effort involves Isabela State University along with Bicol University, Batangas State University, Central Luzon State University, Central Mindanao University, University of the Philippines Visayas, and Visayas State University.
- https://bidani.uplb.edu.ph/about/
- https://www.facebook.com/bidani.np/posts/pfbid0BmUuHLXiFXjWzD6RP1GrsW1zeyQRavS72axkBVTFmp39hdV5xrbxGAhz3vXVbrmwl
SDG 6, 13, and 15: ISU through the SWIM Center equips the wider community and local residents towards disaster preparedness and sustainable water management
Despite having an adequate supply of water resources, some significant water resource issues (such as drought, flooding, and population increase) still pose a danger to water availability. To address low water productivity, recurring water hazards caused by extreme climate events, a fragmented approach to water management, inefficient and ineffective delivery of water services, as well as insufficient water monitoring and planning, the ISU SWIM program will develop innovative approaches and smart techniques. In addition, a comprehensive method for managing flood, drought, sediment, and water resources for river basins and smart cities will be unveiled in collaboration with top academic institutions and researchers from the Philippines and other nations. Aiming towards wide dissemination of research, ISU engages in dialogues, seminar workshops, and TV guesting (CNN Philippines).