SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

ISU’s Research Programs
- Knowledge and Technology Generation
The University as a Higher Education Institution is supposed to be the generator of knowledge and technology. Towards this end, it shall pursue this based on the following R&D thrusts and strategies.- R&D Thrust
- R&D Strategies
- Management
- Thrust for R&D Utilization (KTM)
- Strategies for R&D Utilization (KTM)
ISU’s Research Centers
One of the hallmarks of the University’s undertaking in the field of research were its centers. These facilities altogether had contributed to the pioneering efforts of the University in quest of new knowledge that not just had gained various recognition around the country but impacted as well on the community.
- Cagayan Valley Small Ruminants Research Center
- Cagayan Valley Freshwater Fisheries Center | DOST Nicer
- Cagayan Valley Cacao Development Center
- Smart Water Infrastructure and Management R&D Center | DOST Nicer
- Cagayan Valley Program on Environment and Development (CVPED)
- Equipment Manufacturing Center (EMC)
- Philippine Research and Development Center for Mungbean
- Water Research and Development Center
- Regional Center for Innovation and Teaching Excellence
- Upland Development Center
- Food Innovation Center